Bridge Lane Sauvignon Blanc (Long Island)

Bridge Lane Sauvignon Blanc (Long Island)


Also available in: 375mL cans, 3L box, and 20L keg.

Yes, they make great wine in New York, and we’ve got it. Presenting Bridge Lane from North Fork, Long Island.

An enticing Sauvignon blanc, that sparkles like a diamond in the glass, and then hits you with a wall of grapefruit and gooseberry scents. The flavor is a brisk rush of Bosc pear, tart ruby grapefruit, lime leaf (citron) and kiwi. It swishes around in your mouth with a weight to it, and after swallowing, you’re left with fresh lime and kiwi, tingling your tongue.

A great pairing partner with light greens, salads, vegetables and light, whipped goat cheese. It’s also delicious with baked fish and shellfish.

Currently Sold Out
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